Compare Your Spending, Understand Your Finances

Compare Your Spending, Understand Your Finances

How it works

Step 1: Make a one-time payment of ₹75 by scanning the QR code shown.

Step 2: Upload the confirmed payment screenshot and the bank statement(s) you want analyzed.

Step 3: Within 24 hours, you will receive a comprehensive report on WhatsApp or email comparing your spending to that of your peer group.

Step 1: Make a one-time payment of ₹75 by scanning the QR code which is shown

Step 2: Upload the confirmed payment screenshot and the bank statement(s) you want analyzed.

Step 3: Receive a comprehensive report on within 24 hours comparing your spending to your peer group.

This fee helps us cover the costs of securely processing your bank statements and providing detailed insights. It is valid for 3 months, meaning you can analyze any number of your own bank statements during this period.

Next: Upload Payment and Bank Statements

If you have any questions or need assistance, send advice messages to:.

Vinod Raichur

(+91) 8668722840

Select & copy UPI ID: vinodraichur004@oksbi